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Clean Building Improves Air Quality

Every cloud of dust has a grubby lining.

That is why alleviating dust on every one of our home projects is a top priority at Lowell. We use the most advanced system in the industry, BuildClean,  to trap and contain dust, and then virtually eliminate it.  This system removes dust particles that result from common construction activities, like demolition, drywall and sanding. We actually trap the dust within the work area and then “scrub” the air. This maintains a high quality of indoor air and prevents construction dust from lingering.

Dust isn’t just a nuisance; it can have adverse effects on the health of your family and pets. Particles can trigger asthma attacks, allergic reactions and problems for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Lowell will not allow any of these potentially harmful particles to settle and be sealed into the walls and crevices of your  home.

Maintaining a high standard of air quality is even more critical on remodeling projects. About 90% of homeowners stay in their homes during construction. Using this BuildClean system provides a “livable remodeling” environment with quiet and continuous highly efficient air filtration.built-clean-particle-chart-pixOn an average day most rooms will contain 30,000 to 50,000 particles of dust larger than .05 microns. Remodeling activities can increase that to 700,000.  Within 30 minutes of running our air scrubber the particles return to the normal 30,000 level. In one hour it is even lower at 16,000 particles.

There are substantial benefits to our clean building policy:

  • A more livable environment

  • Healthier home conditions for you, your family and pets

  • Protection for sensitive electronics like computers, TVs, and smart home systems

  • Virtual elimination of lingering dust issues

Also, since the dust is contained within the work area for scrubbing, potentially harmful particles are never released into the environment.   It is part of the good neighbor policy we establish on every  construction site.

Before & After photos are wonderful, but we also believe in sharing our “During” photos.  You can follow the complete construction process for all of our projects by clicking here: Lowell Construction Process Gallery. This gallery will show your how we manage every detail of construction on every Lowell home.

build clean system in home during construction Lowell Custom Homes